Mystery Shopping is a Life Skill

Jan 30, 2023
Photo by Headway on Unsplash


Mystery shopping can be an incredibly valuable life skill. It helps you practice being observant, detail-oriented, and organized. It also teaches you how to assess customer service and other aspects of a store or business. Mystery shopping can help you develop important skills that you can use in other areas of your life, from managing your finances to understanding the retail industry. With the right approach, mystery shopping can be a valuable skill to have in your toolbox.

As a new Mystery Shopper, I was thrust into a secret world where we were required to observe and evaluate various businesses. And after evaluating a business a few dozen times, you start to understand how that industry works from a business side. 

Up until that point, I had seen most businesses from the consumer perspective - and while I observe from this standpoint, it is the backend knowledge that has truly helped me become more skilled in identifying areas of improvement in my life, my business, and helping problem solve with others around me.

Not only does Mystery Shopping teach you valuable skills, but mystery shopping in itself is also a life skill.

Knowing how to mystery shop will afford you hundreds of free experiences and thousands of dollars in your pocket.

When you learn how to mystery shop, you unlock the door to free dining, free entertainment, free car maintenance, free groceries and even free gas!

So, when you're down on your luck, you're able to fall back on your mystery shopping skills an generate an income stream that will allow you to get back on financial track without having to sacrifice the lifestyle you're accustomed to.

In my personal opinion, everyone should give mystery shopping a try - whether it's one time, as a hobby, or a full time job.

It's a very valuable skill to have that can help you navigate the financial woes of this life.



Mercedes Eckert is the founder of iShop, a mystery shopping organization that trains and supports mystery shoppers across North America.
She has helped thousands of people learn how to supplement or even replace their full-time income with mystery shopping.
Mercedes has been featured in CNBC, The Sun, and other publications for her unique approach to income streaming. She holds a bachelor's degree from IU where she majored in English and has received almost a decade of marketing experience from her role as marketing director at a financial firm in Kentucky.
In between teaching her signature Beginner's Mystery Shopping classes, she enjoys spending time with her husband and children, reading a good book, or binge-watching the latest episodes of Cobra Kai on Netflix.