The Easy Way to Get More Mystery Shops
Dec 21, 2019Ever searched the job boards only to find the same shops being offered over and over?
You’ve completed every shop in your city and you just can’t seem to find new ones to apply for.
We get it. We’ve all reached the point where it seems like finding new shops is hopeless.
Luckily for you, there is an answer.
There are always MORE shops for you to do.
And you probably think we’re going to tell you to sign up for more MSCs.
The easy don’t-have-to-check-the-boards way is to form a working relationship with the schedulers you interact with.
By making yourself stand out from the crowd (with friendliness and good work) you’ll be first in line to receive dibs on new and exciting shops.
It really is that simple: Chat it up with your scheduler, do a good job on following your shop directions and submitting a well-done report, and you’ll stand out from the rest.
Texts, emails, and phone calls will come your way with some amazing shop offers!
Like that little tip? There’s more where that came from! Join our community of mystery shoppers and learn how to not only get more shops but get higher paying shops at that! Click here.